Mismatched Desire – What to do when you and your partner have different sexual needs and wants……

One of the most common reasons for distress in longer term relationships is partners having different sexual desires from one another and different expectations about the quality and quantity of sex they should be having. Firstly – it is really important to be aware that there is no ‘normal’ in this area. Some couples do […]

February – The problem with love stories….

Valentine’s Day and a Leap Year in the same month! It can be hard to escape the romantic messages and social pressures that surround us at this time of year. Some days it feels like everyone is in love and getting flowers and gifts from their significant other. Or everyone is getting married, receiving a […]

Blue January….Is it over now?

The first month of the year is known for many things: the endless winter blues, new year/new you type resolutions and relationship break-ups. It can be a tough month when our instincts swing between wanting to make life changes, in the hope of having a better year this year, and wanting to hibernate away and […]

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